臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.13(9-3)

特集名 透析患者の眼疾患
題名 透析視覚障害者へのケア (3) 透析技術
発刊年月 1998年 11月
著者 幾高 敏晴 平野総合病院透析センター・臨床工学技士
著者 塩谷 滝雄 平野総合病院眼科
著者 平野 高弘 平野総合病院内科
著者 石黒 源之 石黒クリニック
【 要旨 】 透析導入患者の高齢化および糖尿病を原疾患とする患者の増加に伴い,さまざまな合併症を有する患者の頻度は高くなる.なかでも眼科合併症は,透析の継続のみならず社会復帰への大きな障害となる.このような患者の透析は,視覚障害の程度を考慮し,さまざまな技術的工夫が必要である.また,障害者に優しい機器の開発,透析室内の環境整備等の配慮も必要である.さらに,患者の精神面でのサポートも重要な課題である.眼科との連携を密にし,病状の進行の予防と残存視機能の温存を第一に考え,患者のQOLの向上に努めていかなければならない.
Theme Ocular Disease in Hemodialysis Patients
Title Hemodialysis patients with visual disturbance -- The technique hemodialysis field
Author Toshiharu Ikutaka Department of Clinical Engineering, Hemodialysis Center, Hirano General Hospital
Author Takio Shioya Department of Ophthalmology, Hemodialysis Center, Hirano General Hospital
Author Takahiro Hirano Department of Internal Medicine, Hemodialysis Center, Hirano General Hospital
Author Motoyuki Ishiguro Ishiguro Clinic
[ Summary ] It is a fact that the average age of dialysis patients is increasing, and the number of patients having diabetes as an underlying disease is also increasing, contributing to a high frequency of complications. Among complications, observed, those affecting the eyes are a serious hurdle to the continuation of dialysis. They also prevent patients from returning to their normal social life. When we perform hemodialysis on such patients, we need to have adequate techniques, depending on the status of their visual disorder.
In addition, it is necessary to develop instruments specially designed for visually handicapped patients, and to arrange the environment in the dialysis unit to make it comfortable and convenient for them. Mental support for such patients is also important. We have to work closely with ophthalmologists, concentrating on preventing the progression of visual disorders and the preservation of the remaining visual function, while making every effort to improve the patient's QOL.