臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.13(7)

特集名 透析患者の眼疾患
題名 眼科手術と透析方法
発刊年月 1998年 11月
著者 大塩 善幸 聖マリア病院眼科
著者 本村 謙一 聖マリア病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 近年の長期透析患者の増加や高齢化に伴い,透析患者に各種の眼科手術を行う機会も増加していると思われる.透析患者に対する眼科手術方法も適応も,基本的には非透析患者となんら変わるものはない.問題は術前・術後の薬剤投与を含めた全身管理と,とくにヘパリン使用時の術中・術後の再出血防止の検討であろう.しかし,術前・術後のヘパリン使用が全例に禁忌ではなく,新しい抗凝固剤を含め,眼科医と透析専門医とが一緒になって,各症例ごとに選択していく必要がある.
Theme Ocular Disease in Hemodialysis Patients
Title Ophthalmic surgery in dialysis patients
Author Yoshiyuki Ohshio Department of Ophthalmology, St.Mary's Hospital
Author Kenichi Motomura Department of Nephrology, St.Mary's Hospital
[ Summary ] Recently the number of longterm dialysis patients of an advanced age has increased. Therfore, I think that many dialysis patients are on operated due to several ophthalmic disease. Methods of ophthalmologic surgery for dialysis patients are not different than those for non-dialysis patients.
The most important thing is the management of patient's general condition during pre-and post-surgical time periods. Especially important is control of post-operative bleeding in patients taking heparin. It is well known that heparin extends coagulation time, but heparin is not contraindicated in all surgical cases. Therefore, we need to consult with dialysis specialists every time we do eye operations.