臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.12(6-5)

特集名 透析患者の家族支援
題名 各論 (5) ターミナル期にある透析患者の家族への支援
発刊年月 1998年 10月
著者 菖蒲 明子 小倉第一病院・看護婦
著者 前田 公江 小倉第一病院・MSW
著者 中村 定敏 小倉第一病院内科
【 要旨 】 われわれ医療スタッフは,患者だけを看るのではなくその家族の苦悩や問題も受け止め援助していかなければならない.家族支援のポイントとして,(1) 共感的態度で接する,(2) 患者と家族が良い関係を維持できるようにそのパイプ役を担う,(3) 患者と家族の希望を取り入れ,その意思を尊重する,(4) 医師,MSWなどと連携を密にし,多面的な支援を行う,などがあげられる.
Theme Support for Dialysis Patients' Families
Title Support for families of patients with renal failure and malignant tumors
Author Akiko Syobu Department of nursing, Kokura Daiichi Hospital
Author Kimie Maeda MSW, Kokura Daiichi Hospital
Author Sadatoshi Nakamura Department of Internal Medicine, Kokura Daiichi Hospital
[ Summary ] When dispensing terminal medical care, medical staff members, should treat and support not only the patient but also his or her family who have a great of anxiety about the dying patient. The following concerns and methods are particularly important in terminal medical care for patients and their families.
1) To care for them sympathy.
2) To try to maintain good relationships between the patient and his orher family.
3) To support the patient's and the family's hopes or opinions of their medical treatment.
4) Create a wide range of support by good co-operations between doctors, social workers and other medical staff members.
Quality and quantity understanding of the patient's background and appropriate support for the family are particularly essential in delivering the best care for patients in terminal stages illnesses. Secondly, maintaining good relationships between the patient and his or her family is important. This will encourage the patient who is in the final portion of his or her life and support him or her in dying as a dignified human being.