臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.12(4)

特集名 透析患者の家族支援
題名 社会資源の活用と介護者支援
発刊年月 1998年 10月
著者 坂倉 春美 医(財)はまゆう会王子病院・MSW
【 要旨 】 近年,糖尿病性腎症による維持透析患者の増加と高齢の維持透析導入患者の増加や患者自身の高齢化により要介護者が増えつつある.身体障害者療護施設や養護老人ホームは,措置制度や透析施設への通院介護者の確保が難しく,施設入所は困難になっている.そのため,在宅介護を余儀なくされている要介護者も多い.在宅介護を維持するためには,通院手段と介護者の確保が重要である.また介護者に支援がなければゆとりは生まれず,良い介護は望めない.国や地方自治体など公的機関の社会資源には限界があり,通院介護,家事援助,弁当配布など多様なボランティアの活用とともに,患者の生活の場を知り,住まいの環境を整え,介護負担を軽減することが重要である.
Theme Support for Dialysis Patients' Families
Title Use of public resources and support of nursing attendants
Author Harumi Sakakura MSW, Medical Foundation Hamayu-Kai Oji Hospital
[ Summary ] In recent years an increasing number of patients who require dialysis treatment for an extended period of time because of diabetic nephrosis, and an increasing number of aging people who have needed to receive dialysis treatment for an extended period of time as well as other aging patients have found it necessary to receive care from nursing attendants. It has become difficult for those with physical disabilities and aged people to enter medical and nursing institutes and nursing home because of Government measures and regulations, coupled with the difficulty of obtaining nursing attendants to accompany them to the facilities for dialysis treatment. Under these circumstances large numbers of people have been compelled to receive care at home.In order for them to continue to receive such care to home, it is vital that they be provided with the necessary means of transportation to a hospital and someone to take care of them. A lack of necessary support for such nursing attendant will prevent them from providing satisfactory services. There are limits to what we can expect of public resources and local governments, and it is important to lighten the burdens of those attendants by expanding the activities of volunteer workers such as taking patients to a hospital, helping them with household work and distributing meals, and by becoming familiar with them and improving their living conditions.