臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.11(2-2)

特集名 腎不全における高脂血症の病態と治療
題名 高脂血症の治療 (2) 透析条件の工夫によるアプローチ
発刊年月 1998年 09月
著者 大坪 義信 山下わたる内科
著者 竹之内 賢一 鹿児島大学医学部第二内科
著者 竹之内 聖三 鹿児島大学医学部第二内科
【 要旨 】 透析条件が血液透析患者の脂質代謝異常に対して影響を及ぼすことが知られている.
ダイアライザーについては,ポリスルフォン膜,セルローストリアセテート膜,ポリアミド膜を用いた血液透析で脂質改善効果が得られたとする報告がある.われわれは,ダイアライザーが脂質代謝異常に及ぼす影響について,その膜材質およびcut-off pointの面から検討しているが,脂質代謝異常に対する改善効果は膜材質に依存しており,それがアポCIIIの吸着除去によると考えている.
Theme Pathophysiology and Treatment of Deranged Lipid Metabolism in Chronic Renal Failure
Title Effects of dialyzer, dialysate and anticoagulant on lipid metabolism in hemodialysis patients
Author Yoshinobu Ohtsubo Wataru Yamashita Clinic
Author Kenichi Takenouchi The 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima University
Author Syouzou Takenouchi The 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima University
[ Summary ] It is well-known that dialysate and heparin, used for hemodialysis treatment have important effects on lipid metabolism in hemodialysis patients.
Some recent data, including ours, has shown that some kinds of membranes, such as polysulfone, cellulose triacetate and polyamide have beneficial effects on lipid abnormalities in hemodialysis patients. In our study cellulose triacetate and polysulfone membranes absorbed Apo CIII in the form of lipid-free apolipoprotein. The beneficial effects of these membranes may be due to the membrane material regardless of its cut-off point.
The influence of dialysate and anticoagulants on lipid metabolism, in hemodialysis patients may help explain why serum HDL-C concentrations are higher in patients taking bicarbonate than in those on acetate hemodialysis, and why serum triglyceride levels decreased when patients received hemodialysis using heparin, which has a low molecular weight.
Hemodialysis conditions such as dialyzers, dialysates and anticoagulants may have an important influence on lipid metabolism in hemodialysis patients.