臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.10(3-4)

特集名 血液浄化液 -- 最近の動向と研究
題名 CAPD用透析液 (4) 適正pH(中性透析液)
発刊年月 1998年 08月
著者 山本 忠司 白鷺病院医療技術部
著者 金 昌雄 白鷺病院外科
【 要旨 】 透析液の生体適合性因子として透析液pHは重要である.家兎培養中皮細胞を用いた中皮細胞viabilityでの研究では,pH5.0~5.5付近ではviabilityは低値を示し,pHが上昇するにつれviabilityは改善した.中性化透析液の臨床使用では,患者の腹部膨満感の減少や除水量の増加が認められた.また,排液中のサイトカインの産生では,中性化液でIL-6が有意に高値を示し,免疫系になんらかの影響があることが示された.
Theme Blood Purification Solution
Title Neutralized CAPD fluid
Author Tadashi Yamamoto Department of Medical Technology, Shirasagi Hospital
Author Masao Kim Department of Surgery, Shirasagi Hospital
[ Summary ] Dialysate pH is an important factor in improving biocompatibility. Cultured rabbit mesothelial cells exposed to dialysate at neutralized pH levels demonstrated good viability, though exposure to dialysate at low pH decreased their viability. As for the clinical use of neutralized dialysate, a sensation of fullness in the abdomen was decreased and the need for ultrafiltration was increased. Concentrations of IL-6 in the effluent were increased when low pH dialysate was substituted for neutralized dialysate.
A pH level over 6.5 is most suitable for the neutralized dialysate, but a pH level of 5.8 is also possible if the titratable acid from the dialysate is low.