臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.10(3-2)

特集名 血液浄化液 -- 最近の動向と研究
題名 CAPD用透析液 (2) 浸透圧物質
発刊年月 1998年 08月
著者 中本 雅彦 済生会八幡総合病院腎センター
著者 安永 親生 済生会八幡総合病院腎センター
著者 西原 学宣 済生会八幡総合病院腎センター
著者 吉田 鉄彦 済生会八幡総合病院腎センター
【 要旨 】 CAPDは血漿と透析液間の浸透圧差により除水するため,浸透圧物質は腹膜透析において重要な役割を果たしている.ブドウ糖はCAPD療法の黎明期から現在まで,長期間,浸透圧物質として使用されてきているが,肥満,高脂血症,腹膜血管の透過性亢進,中皮細胞の再生障害などの欠点が指摘されている.
Theme Blood Purification Solution
Title Osmotic agents in CAPD
Author Masahiko Nakamoto Kidney Center, Saiseikai Yahata Hospital
Author Chikao Yasunaga Kidney Center, Saiseikai Yahata Hospital
Author Gakusen Nishihara Kidney Center, Saiseikai Yahata Hospital
Author Tetsuhiko Yoshida Kidney Center, Saiseikai Yahata Hospital
[ Summary ] Ultrafiltration (waterremoval) in CAPD can obtained by the osmolar gap between plasma and dialysate. Therefore, the osmotic agent contained in the peritoneal dialysate becomes a major determinant in achieving successful CAPD. As one of several osmotic agents, glucose has been used for long time, since the beginning of CAPD, but it is also reported to have some unfavorable side effects like obesity, hyperlipidemia, hyperpermeability of peritoneal capillaries and impaired mesothelial regeneration.
Clinical trials using glycerol, amino acid, glucose polymers and others have been done. However, independent use of glycerol or amino acid as an osmotic agent was found to be inadequate because of several adverse effects. Glucose polymers seem to need further observation in regard to their safety, though they can maintain effective ultrafiltration even after a long dwell time.
Recently in Japan, albumin prepared from effluent has been tried again as an osmotic agent.