臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.10(2-4)

特集名 血液浄化液 -- 最近の動向と研究
題名 血液透析用透析液 (4) 粉末・糒粒型透析液製剤
発刊年月 1998年 08月
著者 金子 岩和 東京女子医科大学腎臓病総合医療センター血液浄化部門・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 高性能膜ダイアライザの登場とともに,透析膜を介したバックフィルトレーション(逆濾過)による生体内へのエンドトキシンの流入が問題となり,清浄化された透析液の使用が必要となってきている.
Theme Blood Purification Solution
Title Dry chemical type dialysate for hemodialysis
Author Iwakazu Kaneko Kidney Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] Many types of commercially available hemodialyzers with a high performance membrane have higher solute efficiencies than conventional ones. However, they induce a relatively larger amount of back filtration and back diffusion in dialyzers. In order to avoid contamination due to endotoxin invasion, purified water is strongly recommended for making hemodialysis dialysate using high performance dialyzers.
Recently, some new types of dialysate delivery machines have been introduced, useing a dry chemical type dialysate or a granular type dialysate. They can dissolve the dry chemicals or granules automatically and deliver them to the dialysis machines with higher degrees of purification. They may also have higher degrees of reproducability for dialysate compositions and uniformity of dialysate while saving labor for dialysis technicians.