臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.10(1-3)

特集名 血液浄化液 -- 最近の動向と研究
題名 水処理 (3) 透析装置の洗浄・消毒の実際
発刊年月 1998年 08月
著者 山本 浩靖 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック・臨床工学技士
著者 前田 貞亮 前田記念腎研究所武蔵小杉クリニック・内科
【 要旨 】 血液浄化療法の進歩に伴い,透析液ラインの洗浄・消毒法も変化してきた.現在,洗浄・消毒薬は多種開発されているが,バイオフィルム剥離効果や装置への腐食性等の特徴を理解し濃度や貯留時間を決定すべきである.当クリニックでの洗浄・消毒は末端濃度酢酸(0.6%),次亜塩素酸Na(0.12%)にて行っている.エンドトキシン測定値は良好な値を得ているが,これはエンドトキシンカットフィルタによるところが大きいと思われ,微粒子を連続的に測定するインラインモニターをフィルタの前後に設置しての測定値もフィルタ後で大きく低下していた.しかし,フィルタの効果を過信することなく,透析液ラインの洗浄・消毒には十分な配慮が必要である.
Theme Blood Purification Solution
Title The practice of wash and disinfection for hemodialysis instrument
Author Hiroyasu Yamamoto Musashi-kosugi Clinic, Maeda Institute of Renal Research / clinical engineer
Author Teiryo Maeda Internal Medicine, Musashi-kosugi Clinic, Maeda Institute of Renal Research
[ Summary ] Methods for washing and disinfecting lines through which the dialysate flows have changed as progress has been made on blood purification therapy. There are many washing and disinfecting chemicals. There concentrations and use should be for adequate amount of time and should be precisely determined with understanding of their properties such as the scaling effects of biofilm and the erosion of hemodialysis equipment produced by those liquids. In our clinic we usually use a 0.6% acetic acid solution and a 0.12% sodium hypochlorite solution for washing and disinfection of endotoxin removing filters, and obtain good results on endotoxin values. The result appears to depend on the use of endotoxin removing filters. The content of particles obtained after filtering was greatly lowered, even when a set of in-line monitors measuring amounts of particles was put on before or after the filter. However, we should not overestimate the effects of endotoxin reducing filters but pay careful attention to the washing and disinfection of lines through which the dialysate flows.