臨牀透析 Vol.14 No.1(2)

特集名 長期血液透析患者における破壊性脊椎関節症
題名 破壊性脊椎関節症の疫学
発刊年月 1998年 01月
著者 宮本 達也 京都第一赤十字病院整形外科
【 要旨 】 透析患者における破壊性脊椎関節症(以下,DSA)の疫学的調査を行った.発症頻度は591例中98例(16.6%)であり,透析期間の長期化に伴い高率となる.比較的若年者で椎間板病変がない場合,発症まで10~15年を要するが,導入時,変形性変化を伴う高齢者では5年程度で発症する場合がある.画像診断上DSAの初期像である前方隅角部の骨侵食像を見逃さないことと,導入時,その個体の脊柱不安定性を把握することが重要である.また定期的にX線検査を行い,椎間板腔周辺の変化を経過観察することが大切である.DSAは,アミロイド沈着により生じた脊柱不安定性増大に起因する椎間板炎と考えられるが,透析患者の高齢化に伴い,短期発症型のDSAの増加が予測される.
Theme Destructive Spondyloarthropathy in Long-term Hemodialysis Patients
Title Epidemiological study of the destructive spondyloarthropathy
Author Tatsuya Miyamoto Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Kyoto First Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] An epidemiological study of destructive spondyloarthropathy (DSA) in hemodialyzed patients was performed. Of the total of 591 patients, 98 (16.6%) were diagnosed as having DSA and the rate rose with increasingly long-term hemodialysis. In younger patients without disc lesions the onset of DSA is 10 to 15 years after starting hemodialysis. Therefore, among older patients with degenerative changes, some cases are apparent within about 5 years. It is important to not overlook erosion at the anterior enthesoperidiscal region, which is an initial finding of DSA, and to recognize individual instability of the time at beginning hemodialysis. Furthermore, it is of importance to observe the difference around the disc space by using periodic radiological investigation. DSA is anticipated with discitis causing increased instability of the spine with amyloid deposition. This type of DSA has an acute onset, and with the aging of hemodialyzed patients, is expected to become more frequent.