臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.9(3-4)

特集名 アミロイド骨・関節症 -- 診断と治療の実際
題名 治療 (4) 腎移植の効果
発刊年月 1997年 08月
著者 冨永 芳博 名古屋第二赤十字病院移植外科
著者 打田 和治 名古屋第二赤十字病院移植外科
著者 高木 弘 名古屋大学医学部第二外科
【 要旨 】 腎移植後,良好な腎機能が獲得されることにより血中β2-MG濃度は速やかに低下し,組織中のβ2-MGも経時的に低下することが期待される.透析アミロイド関節症(DRAA)による諸症状は移植後,速やかに改善するが,これは免疫抑制剤として投与されたステロイド剤の抗炎症作用に起因すると考えられる.DRAAによる器質性変化は,腎移植により進行は止まるものの改善は困難である.DRAAを防ぐためには,早期の腎移植が望まれる.長期透析患者に対してもDRAAによる症状の改善の見地より,腎移植は良い適応になると考える.
Theme Amyloid-Related Bone and Joint Derangements -- Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment
Title Renal transplantation for dialysls-related amyloid arthropathy
Author Yoshihiro Tominaga Department of Transplant Surgery, Nagoya 2nd Red Cross Hospital
Author Kazuharu Uchida Department of Transplant Surgery, Nagoya 2nd Red Cross Hospital
Author Hiroshi Takagi Department of Surgery II, Nagoya University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] It is well recognized that dialysis-related amyloid arthropathy (DRAA), which is induced by retention of beta2 microglobulin (beta2-MG), is one of the most serious complications experienced by long-term hemodialysis patients. After successful renal transplantation, serum levels of beta2-MG rapidly drop to within normal range and cutaneous deposits of beta2-MG can reportedly be removed. Renal transplantation consistently provides rapid relief of multiple joint pain due to DRAA. The effect appears to be due mainly to the antiinflammatory action of steroids.
As neither enlargement of bone cysts nor new cyst development is detected, renal transplantation can prevent progression of DRAA. However, radiologic findings of bone cysts and destructive spondyloarthropathy, as well as changes of shoulder joints due to amyloid arthropathy detected by MRI, reportedly do not change after renal transplantation. Amyloid deposition in joint structures is still histopathologically detectable 10 years after renal transplantation. Successful early transplantation clearly prevents DRAA. Furthermore, in patients with already established DRAA, renal transplantation is the preferred treatment, because transplantation arrests the progression of radiologic signs of DRAA, as well as relieving its symptoms.