臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.9(1)

特集名 アミロイド骨・関節症 -- 診断と治療の実際
題名 総論 -- 透析患者におけるアミロイド骨・関節症の位置づけと発症機序をめぐって
発刊年月 1997年 08月
著者 鈴木 正司 信楽園病院腎センター
【 要旨 】 現在の透析療法は非生理的操作の繰り返しであるため,長期の合併症は避け難い.なかでも骨・関節症の頻度がもっとも高く,その病因には副甲状腺機能亢進も含まれるものの,圧倒的に透析アミロイド症を背景にする場合が多い.手根管症候群やバネ指だけでなく,滑膜炎を伴う関節炎,滑液嚢腫,骨の嚢胞性病変などもこのアミロイド骨・関節症に含めて考えるべきである.透析アミロイド症はβ2-MGを前駆蛋白とする全身性アミロイド症の一つと位置づけられ,このアミロイド症の発症機序が解明されないかぎり,その早期の的確な診断と真に有効な対策や治療法は容易には確立できない.
Theme Amyloid-Related Bone and Joint Derangements -- Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment
Title Dialysis-related amyloidosis : It's position, character and generation
Author Masashi Suzuki Kidney Center of Shinraku-En Hospital
[ Summary ] Due to the present unphysiological artificial kidney systems, many complications such as bone/joint derangements are inevitable with long term treatment. Hyperparathyroidism is thought to be one of the causes of these derangements. However, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger fingers, arthritis with synovitis, cystic lesions of periarticular bones, fluid retention bursitis, and destructive spondyloarthropathy are recognized as clinical manifestations of dialysis amyloidosis. The amyloid protein was identified as beta2-microglobulin (beta2-MG), which accumulates in the plasma of dialysis patients. Although the detail mechanisms of the genesis of amyloidosis from beta2-MG have not yet been fully clarified, a recent hypothesis regarding the role of modified beta2-MG with advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the genesis of osteoarthropathy appears to be attractive. However, much remains to be solved in the field of clinical diagnosis and treatment of amyloid-related osteoarthropathy.