臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.6(3)

特集名 世界の透析事情
題名 米国の腎不全看護
発刊年月 1997年 06月
著者 岡 美智代 筑波大学博士課程医学研究科・看護婦
【 要旨 】 わが国の腎不全看護の参考にするため,米国の腎不全専門看護師,看護体制,臨床腎不全看護の実際,看護の指針について報告する.腎不全専門看護師は,Advanced Practice Nurse(APN) とCertified Nephrology Nurse(CNN) の2種類の資格に分かれている.看護体制は,テクニシャンも看護部門の職員であり,看護婦の業務補助を行っている.患者1人に対する看護婦の数は少ないが,少数看護婦による専門業務への専従を目標としている.臨床での腎不全看護の質は看護婦個人による差が大きく,American Nephrology Nurses' Association (ANNA)の看護の指針として,臨床における研究の利用により,看護の質の均等化・標準化を目指している.
Theme World Wide Current Trend of Dialysis Therapy
Title Nephrology nursing in the U.S.A.
Author Michiyo Oka Nursing and Rehabilitation Medicine Doctoral Course, University of Tsukuba
[ Summary ] For the reference of those engaged in nephrology nursing in Japan, circumstances as to the nephrology nurse specialist, nursing system, the actual situation of clinical nephrology nursing, and nursing policy in the U.S.A. are hereinafter reported. The nephrology nurse specialist in the U.S.A. is classified according to two credentials ; one is the Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) and the other is the Certified Nephrology Nurse (CNN). Under the nursing system in the U.S.A., each technician, as a staff member of a nursing department, supports nursing duties. Although the number of nurses per patient is small, their target is exclusive nursing for a specialized field by small numbers of nurse. The quality of nephrology nursing in practice differs with the individual nurse. As a matter of policy, the object of the American Nephrology Nurses' Association (ANNA) is equalization and standardization of quality of nursing by utilizing research in the clinical setting.