臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.6(2-7)

特集名 世界の透析事情
題名 外国の透析事情 (7) ヨーロッパ c. イタリア
発刊年月 1997年 06月
著者 佐藤 進 長崎総合科学大学工学部機械工学科
【 要旨 】 1996年6月に国際学会講演などでイタリアに出張したとき,フィレンツェ,ヴェネチア,ローマで透析治療を受けた様子を取りまとめたものである.イタリアにおける透析のすべてを述べたものではないが,イタリア4大都市のうちの3都市での透析経験である.透析病院の予約は,国内旅行業者を介してHoliday Services Internationalというエイジェンシーに依頼した.透析機器はコンピュータ制御方式の個人用器械で,かつ,スケールベッドによる除水管理も行っている.透析方法については日本と大差なく,看護婦が消毒と翼状針2本による穿刺を行い,看護婦2名による終了操作であった.なお,英語は医師以外はほとんど通じないことに注意を要する.
Theme World Wide Current Trend of Dialysis Therapy
Title Dialysis situation in foreign countries -- Italy
Author Susumu Satoh Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science
[ Summary ] Herein, dialysis treatment in Italy is briefly introduced. The author stayed in Florence, Venice and Rome to attend an international congress of the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineering) for a week in June of 1996 and underwent HD treatments in these three cities. Going abroad is troublesome for a dialysis patient because of booking the HD sessions. On this occasion, the author requested that an itinerary and HD treatment bookings be made by a domestic travel company with connections to a HD hospital agency named "Holiday Services International".
In Italy, HD equipment is controlled by computer systems individually and the weight of the patient during dialysis is also controlled by scales attached to the bed. Generally speaking, the total HD method in Italy is very similar to that in Japan. However, we should be aware that many hospital staff members, except medical doctors, speak only Italian and can not communicate in English.