臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.6(2-3)

特集名 世界の透析事情
題名 外国の透析事情 (3) 台湾
発刊年月 1997年 06月
著者 中華民国行政院衛生署透析評估小組 中華民国行政院衛生署透析評估小組
【 要旨 】 1970年代後半から台湾経済が高度成長し,公務員,労工保険等の医療保険制度が相次いで導入された.これらの制度は,医療給付の道を開き,透析患者人口と施設の増加をきたしたと同時に,多くの問題も発生した.これらの問題を是正するために,政府,腎臓病学会,透析施設の共同努力がなされた.患者登録制度,管理規則の設定,実情実地調査,医療人員の訓練による透析専門知識の向上などにより,10年の短期間で,台湾の透析医療は急速に進歩・改善された.多くの面で先進諸国に匹敵する程度に達した.透析施設に関する部分では,問題になるところはほとんどなくなった.しかし,患者個人に関する部分は,なお多くの問題を残しており,今後の努力が必要である.
Theme World Wide Current Trend of Dialysis Therapy
Title Dialysis situation in foreign countries -- Republic of China
Author Dialysis Surveillance Group, The Department of Health Executive Yuan, Republic of China Dialysis Surveillance Group, The Department of Health Executive Yuan, Republic of China
[ Summary ] Dialysis Surveillance Group, The Department of Health Executive Yuan, Republic of China The prosperous economic growth of the Republic of China (ROC) has resulted in an expansion of the insurance support system against sickness in the most recent 15 year period. This has led to a rapid increase in the dialyzing population and in hospitals. Consequently, many problems associated with dialysis cropped up.
The collaborative efforts were undertaken by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, the Society of Nephrology, ROC and all dialysis units in Taiwan in order to improve the situation. These efforts included a dialysis registry, regulation of dialysis units, on-the-spot surveillance of each dialysis center, and training courses for dialysis therapy.
These efforts in the ROC have yielded fruitful results of dialysis therapy, which are comparable to those of developed countries, over the past 10 years. However, there are still many problems that have to be faced and to be improved in uremic patients.