臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.6(2-2)

特集名 世界の透析事情
題名 外国の透析事情 (2) 韓国
発刊年月 1997年 06月
著者 芝本 隆 東京医科歯科大学医学部附属病院腎臓センター・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 韓国での透析事情を解説する.1995年12月末日で血液浄化法を必要とする末期腎不全患者数は15,930名(246名/100万人)で,その内訳は血液透析8,578名,CAPD2,743名,腎移植4,609名である.施設数は171施設で前年比増加率は17.1%である.装置保有台数は2,615台で前年比増加率は16.5%である.透析装置は個人用装置が主流で,100%海外より輸入している.ダイアライザーも同様である.費用は治療を受ける病院の規模によって異なる.クリニックでの血液透析は1回に日本円で約15,000円(20%自己負担)がかかる.透析療法はわが国と類似しており,ダイアライザーや血液回路の再使用はない.日本から韓国を訪問する透析患者は安心して血液透析を受けられると考える.
Theme World Wide Current Trend of Dialysis Therapy
Title Dialysis situation in foreign countries -- Korea
Author Takashi Shibamoto Kidney Center, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital / clinical engineer
[ Summary ] The situation of dialysis therapy in Korea in 1995 is reported. In 1995, 15,930 endstage renal disease patients were registered. The incidence rate was 246 per million. Of those patients, 8,578 received hemodialysis, 2,743 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis and 4,609 kidney transplantation.
There were 171 hemodialysis institutions in this country. The annual increment rate in the number of the institutions was 17.1%. Two thousand six hundred and fifteen dialysating machines were in use. The number of dialysating machines also increased 16.5%. Most equipment for dialysis was imported from the U.S.A., Europe and Japan. Mainly machines for the single patient system were used.
The fee for a dialysis session was approximately 15,000 yen. Patients had to pay 20% of the cost themselves. The dialyzer and blood tubing for dialysis were single used.
As the procedure of dialysis therapy is essentially the same as in Japan, traveling Japanese dialysis patients can receive dialysis therapy without feeling anxiety in Korea.