臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.5(2-4)

特集名 CAPD出口部の新しいスキンケア
題名 各論 (4) 高張食塩(メソルト)ガーゼを用いた出口部ケア
発刊年月 1997年 05月
著者 鈴木 幸子 横須賀共済病院腎センター・看護婦
著者 広渡 明子 横須賀共済病院腎センター・看護婦
著者 前田 明美 横須賀共済病院腎センター・看護婦
著者 塩田 浩子 横須賀共済病院腎センター・看護婦
著者 畠山 あけみ 横須賀共済病院腎センター・看護婦
【 要旨 】 CAPD患者の腹膜炎は,手技や器具の改善により減少しているが,出口部感染からの腹膜炎は今もって解決されていない問題の一つである.今回,食塩3%という高張の環境で細菌の生育を阻止し,感染の再発と炎症を抑える高張食塩ガーゼを使用し,出口部感染に対する効果について検討した.
対象および方法は,(1) カテーテル出口部より浸出液が認められる4症例に1日1回イソジン消毒後,高張食塩ガーゼをカテーテル出口部に貼用,(2) カテーテル出口部より排膿が認められる2症例に1日1回イソジン消毒後,高張食塩ガーゼをカテーテル出口部に貼用,(3) カテーテル新規挿入6症例中3症例に1日1回イソジン消毒後,高張食塩ガーゼをカテーテル出口部に貼用,他3症例には消毒方法は同様で,高張食塩ガーゼを貼用せず比較するとした.
Theme New Skin Care of Exit Site in CAPD
Title Exit-site care using hypertonic salt gauze
Author Sachiko Suzuki Department of nursing, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Author Akiko Hirowatari Department of nursing, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Author Akemi Maeda Department of nursing, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Author Hiroko Shiota Department of nursing, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
Author Akemi Hatakeyama Department of nursing, Yokosuka Kyosai Hospital
[ Summary ] Numbers of peritonitis patients have been decreasing as a consequence of improvements in CAPD procedures and instruments.
However, the problem of peritonitis caused by infection at the exit-site (of CAPD catheters) has not yet been resolved.
We block bacterial growth with a hypertonc environment of 3% sodium chloride. We also use hypertonic salted gauze to inhibit bacterial recolonization and inflammation by infection. Herein, we report the effects of these strategies.
<Object and Method<
First, we daily apply hypertonic salted gauze to the CAPD exit-site after disinfection with isodine. This was done in 4 cases in which exudation from the exit-site was detected. Second, we daily apply hypertonic salted gauze to the exit-site after disinfection with isodine. This was done in 2 cases in which discharge from the exit-site was detected. Finally, we daily apply hypertonic salted gauze to the exit-site after disinfection with isodine. This was done in 3 of 6 new CAPD patients. We also investigated the efficacy of isodine without hypertonic salted gauze for comparison. In 4 cases the exudation resolved in 4 weeks at the exit-site. The new cases have not had either erythema or exudation in 4 weeks. Thus, we evaluate the method of applying hypertonic salted gauze, when exudation is detected, as being highly effective.