臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.5(2-3)

特集名 CAPD出口部の新しいスキンケア
題名 各論 (3) 電解酸化水を用いたスキンケア
発刊年月 1997年 05月
著者 中原 貴子 熊本中央病院・看護婦
【 要旨 】 CAPD出口部ケアにイソジン液を使用してきたが,イソジン液過敏反応と思われる皮膚症状とそれに起因する出口部感染がみられるようになった.このため,イソジン液過敏反応を示す患者に電解酸化水による出口部ケアを試みた.
Theme New Skin Care of Exit Site in CAPD
Title Skin care with electrolyzed water
Author Takako Nakahara Hemodialysis Center, Kumamoto Chuo Hospital
[ Summary ] Povidone-iodine (Isodine) was formerly used to sterilize CAPD catheters and exit-sites, but some patients suffered allergic skin reactions and developed exit-site infections. As a substitute for Isodine, acid electrolyzed water was used. However, the sterilizing effects of strong acid electrolyzed water (pH <or= 3) were inhibited by the presence of organic substances with a concentration of 1% or higher. At present, soft acid electrolyzed water is being used, eliminating the problems of corrosiveness, catheter discoloration, and short term sterilization. Soft acid electrolyzed water, being much less affected by the presence of organic matter, is ten times more stable than strong acid electrolyzed water and because it maintains the concentration of residual chlorine it provides sterilization for a much longer period than strong acid electrolyzed water.
Though there were no problems involving CAPD catheters, some patients reacted adversely to acid electrolyzed water. Special care must be taken in selecting disinfectants that are appropriate for both the patient's skin and the catheter, and all CAPD patients must be taught the importance of proper exit-site care.