臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.5(2-1)

特集名 CAPD出口部の新しいスキンケア
題名 各論 (1) カテーテル位置による出口部感染対策とスキンケア
発刊年月 1997年 05月
著者 長谷川 芳美 蒼龍会井上病院・看護婦
【 要旨 】 目的:出口部感染に対し看護の視点で原因追究を行い,より良い出口部ケアを模索した.その経緯と具体的な方法を紹介する.
Theme New Skin Care of Exit Site in CAPD
Title Preventing exit-site infection; an approach involving skin care and the most appropriate catheter position
Author Yoshimi Hasegawa Department of nursing, Soryukai Inoue Hospital
[ Summary ] Exit-site in fection is one of the most important risk factors for peritonitis leading to cessation of CAPD. There is no consensus as to the best management strategy for preventing exit-site in fection. We studied the relation between the cause of exit-site infection and catheter management in 14 patients diagnosed in 1993. The presumed causes of the infection were as follows ; inappropriate catheter placement, poor observation and skin abrasion close to the exit-site.
We recommend the following three procedures. The first is to establish a precise criterion for abnormal skin state around the exit-site, so as to avoid misdiagnosis. Second, the catheter should be tightly fixed in the middle abdominal region, in which th e skin surface is relatively undisturbed by bodily movements. The lower and lateral abdominal regions are inappropriate sites. Third, an open-shower and soap-cleansing are universally applied. Selecting the optimal skin care plan should be depend on skin state and acceptance in individual patients.