臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.5(1-2)

特集名 CAPD出口部の新しいスキンケア
題名 総論 (2) 創管理におけるスキンケア
発刊年月 1997年 05月
著者 塚田 邦夫 博仁会横田病院外科
【 要旨 】 体内に異物を入れても感染を起こさなくなったのは滅菌法と抗生剤に負うところが大きいが,そこには生体の防御反応が働いている.創のケアでは創面の防御反応を障害する消毒は行わず洗浄によって創内を清浄化し,創面に湿潤環境を保つことが重要である.皮膚ではそれと異なり細胞ではないケラチンによって覆われ科学的バリアー機能があるので消毒することができるが,湿潤環境は適さず多少乾燥した環境のほうが好ましい.
Theme New Skin Care of Exit Site in CAPD
Title Wound care and skin care at CAPD exit-site
Author Kunio Tsukada Department of Surgery, Yokota Hospital
[ Summary ] Because of the development of sterilization techniques and antibiotics, surgical procedures, such as leaving a therapeutic foreign utensil within the body, have become safe. However, self defense mechanisms are still of great importance for these procedures. Inflammatory cells, for example polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages, clean the wound bed and play major roles throughout the wound healing process. Antimicrobials damage these inflammatory cells and wound surface cells. Irrigation of the wound without a disinfectant and maintaining the wound in a moist environment are essential for wound healing. On the contrary, the skin surface, covered by a keratin layer, is highly resistant to antimicrobials, but very susceptible to a wet environment.
CAPD exit-site care includes both wound care and skin care. Postoperative wounds around a CAPD tube require saline irrigation and covering the wounds with polyurethane film dressing. If infection is suspected at the CAPD exit-site, a low concentration antimicrobial ointment is applied to the wound which is then covered with polyurethane film dressing. This assures that the ointment will remain on the wound surface as long as possible while keeping the surrounding skin dry.