臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.4(4-4)

特集名 透析機器の保守と修理
題名 臨床工学技士と機器の管理 (4) 保守・修理技術の教育
発刊年月 1997年 04月
著者 本村 和彦 新生会第一病院臨床工学部
著者 桜井 謙次 新生会第一病院臨床工学部
【 要旨 】 臨床工学技士にとって,機器の保守や修理は重要な業務の一つである.当院では,医療機器の保守・修理に関して次のような点を到達目標および留意点とし,新人技士の指導にあたっている.
(1) 操作方法および機器の動作を完全に把握していること.
(2) 内部回路および動作原理を理解していること.
(3) 具体的な点検方法とその意味を理解していること.
(4) 知識を増し,経験を積むこと.
Theme Maintenance and Repair of Dialysis Machines
Title Clinical engineer and maintenance of the dialysis console -- Training in maintenance and repair techniques
Author Kazuhiko Motomura Clinical Engineering Department, Shinseikai Dai-ichi Hospital
Author Kenji Sakurai Clinical Engineering Department, Shinseikai Dai-ichi Hospital
[ Summary ] The maintenance of medical equipment is one of the most important tasks performed by clinical engineering technologists. In our training of new clinical engineering technologists for the maintenance and repair of medical equipment at our hospital, we endeavor to address the following points.
1) A full understanding of how to operate equipment and how the equipment itself operates.
2) Understanding the circuitry and operating-principles.
3) Understanding the specific inspection procedures and their meaning.
4) Increasing one's knowledge and experience.
Adequate information from the medical field is important for achieving the aforementioned aims as well as for the efforts of individual technologists and instructors. Our world is changing, as illustrated by the revision of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, and the role of clinical engineering technologists will become much more important in the days to come.