臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.4(4-1)

特集名 透析機器の保守と修理
題名 臨床工学技士と機器の管理 (1) 定期点検の実際
発刊年月 1997年 04月
著者 松藤 昭宏 甲南病院人工腎臓部・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 透析装置は,水系・電気系が同一装置内に組み込まれている.その装置を安全に作動させるためには,定期点検が必要である.今回は,日機装社製患者監視装置DCS-22B®の定期点検を当院独自で作成した点検表に基づいて行っているので,その内容を報告する.
Theme Maintenance and Repair of Dialysis Machines
Title Clinical engineer and maintenance of the dialysis console -- Regular maintenance inspections
Author Akihiro Matsufuzi Konan Hospital / clinical engineer
[ Summary ] Dialysis consoles are equipped with both water and electrical supply systems. Therefore, regular maintenance inspections are necessary to operate these devices safely.
We have our own check list for the DCS-22B®(NIKKISO), according to which we conduct regular inspections of the devices.
Clinical engineers are responsible not only for periodically inspecting but also for repairing these devices. Therefore, training of engineers is very important. When a malfunction is identified, it is necessary to determine whether it is the responsibility of the maker or the hospital.