臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.3(4-2)

特集名 腎不全看護の専門性
題名 透析医療をとりまく環境の変化と状況分析 (2) 1980~1990年代まで
発刊年月 1997年 03月
著者 酒井 孝子 桜町クリニック・看護婦
著者 豊福 睦子 桜町病院・看護婦
著者 丸山 祐子 桜町病院・看護婦
【 要旨 】 わが国の透析医療は時代の背景(人口・病院構造・社会・経済のシステムなど)とともに大きく発展をしてきた.透析看護もそれに伴い,専門性の高い領域として社会的にも評価され,専門看護婦育成および認定制度の検討がなされるまでに至った.1980~1990年代を振り返るとき透析療法が今日の血液浄化法に方向づけられたときであり,医療者も患者もクオリティオブライフの医療を目指した時代になりつつある.また透析看護も医療機器の高度化・専門化の進むなか,チーム医療のなかで患者のニーズに応えるため役割を明確にしつつ前進してきていると考える.しかし,一方では医療費削減という厳しい医療政策の変化もあり,透析医療を取り巻く環境の変化を見つめながら広い視野に立って看護を考えていかなければならない.
Theme Specialty of Nephrology Nursing
Title Changes in the environment of dialysis treatment and its analysis Trends in dialysis medicine indecades of 1980-1990, and the recent status of nursing care
Author Takako Sakai Department of Nursing, Sakuramachi Clinicl
Author Mutsuko Toyofuku Department of Nursing, Sakuramachi Hospital
Author Yuko Maruyama Department of Nursing, Sakuramachi Hospital
[ Summary ] Dialysis treatment in Japan has made great progress over time, in conjunction with changes in the population, disease situation, society and economics. Nursing care has also been recognized as a speciality in Japan, stimulating discussion of the education and licensing system for specially educated nurses. In the decade from 1980 to 1990, dialysis treatment evolved toward the modern mode of blood purification technology, which constitutes an approach to improving the quality of life. Dialysis nursing has been making progress toward meeting patient's requirements by clarifyiug the nursing role under circumstances involving up-to-date, highly advanced and specific medical devices. However, since efforts to reduce medical costs have been made by the government, nursing must be discussed from a broad viewpoint, considering the circumstances of dialysis treatment in totality.