臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.3(2)

特集名 腎不全看護の専門性
題名 アメリカにおける腎不全看護の変遷(1968-1997年)
発刊年月 1997年 03月
著者 Geraldine Biddle アメリカ腎臓看護協会
【 要旨 】 腎不全看護は,社会,科学技術,保健医療,政治,経済の変化,および看護,医療における継続的な発展と力によって,ここ30年進化してきた.そのなかで看護婦はその役割を,医師の助手から直接的なケアの提供者へ,そしてケア供給の管理者へと変化させてきた.今後はさらに高度な業務を行うことを期待されている.保健医療が変化し続けるなか,専門組織は,腎不全看護の発展にとって不可欠なものであり,今後より重要なものとなっていくだろう.
Theme Specialty of Nephrology Nursing
Title Changes in U.S. Nephrology Nursing Practice : 1968-1997
Author Geraldine Biddle American Nephrology Nurses' Association / RN, CNN
[ Summary ] The specialty of nephrology nursing has evolved over the last 30 years in response to continuing developments and forces in society, technology, health care, politics, the economy, and the nursing and medical professions. These forces have created an accompanying need for nurses to acquire an increasingly complex level of knowledge related to the care of renal patients. While nephrology nursing continues to focus on meeting the needs of individuals and their families affected by diseases of the kidney, the manner in which nephrology nurses address these needs (nephrology nursing practice) has significantly changed over time and is driven by changes in the broader health care arena. Nephrology nurses have transitioned through three distinct roles: from assistants, to providers, and on to managers of the delivery of care. "Advanced practice" is anticipated to be an alternative role for nephrology nurses in the future. The role of the specialty organization has been vital to the progression of nephrology nursing and will be even more important as the health care industry continues to address the certainty of discontinuous change in the future.