臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.3(1)

特集名 腎不全看護の専門性
題名 日本における腎不全看護20年の歩み
発刊年月 1997年 03月
著者 吉田 公子 日本腎不全看護研究会・看護婦
【 要旨 】 日本腎不全看護研究会は会員相互の交流により,自主的な研修と透析看護の確立・地位向上をはかることを目的として1976年に発足.以後,年2回春には総会・学習会,秋には研究発表を中心として研究会を開催している.看護研究(1978~1995年)の総演題数は357題で,その内容について13項目に分類した.一番多かったのは透析患者の合併症に関する問題,次いで新しい治療に関するもの,透析中の管理に関するものであった.今回,改めて20年の活動を振り返ってみると,1976~1981年は透析室での看護業務の明確化や看護婦の役割など透析看護の確立に向けての基礎づくりのための模索期,1982~1990年は会の運営も軌道に乗り積極的に海外交流を実践し,腎不全看護を確認しあう充実期.1991~1996年は臨床工学技士の誕生で看護業務の見直し,看護婦の役割,看護の専門性など改めて今後を考える時期としての飛躍期と大きく三つの時期に分けることができる.
Theme Specialty of Nephrology Nursing
Title Twenty years of nephrology nursing in Japan (1976-1996)
Author Kimiko Yoshida Japanese Association of Nephrology Nurses
[ Summary ] For the purposes of promoting its independent study and improving and establishing the status of nephrology nursing through free exchange of ideas among its members, JANN (Japanese Association of Nephrology Nurses) was established in 1976. JANN holds two meeting a year, a general meeting and group studies in the spring and the presentation of research projects in the autumn. The total number of presentations on nursing research themes was 357 duriug the period 1978-1995 and we divided them into 13 categories. Among these research topics, the most prominent was complications of dialysis, the second was new treatments and the third was nursing care during dialysis. Looking back on these activities over the past two decades, they can be divided into three periods. During the period 1976-1981, we were attempting to establish the foundation of independent dialysis nursing, through clarification of nursing tasks and the roles of nurses in the dialysis unit. During the period 1982-1990, our work was finally on the right track, engaging in active interchange of ideas with nurses in foreign countries and in confirmation of the importance of nephrology nursing. In 1991-1996, with the advent of a new speciality, clinical engineers, we must reconsider and clarify nursing tasks, in order to prepare for the rapid changes anticipated in the roles and speciality of nephrology nursing.