臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.2(4-3)

特集名 脳の機能的・器質的変化
題名 透析患者の脳障害 (3) 脳血管障害と脳萎縮
発刊年月 1997年 02月
著者 野田 恒彦 信楽園病院神経内科
著者 宮崎 滋 信楽園病院腎センター内科
【 要旨 】 脳血管障害および脳萎縮は,維持透析患者の生活の質を低下させる重要な合併症の一つである.
次に脳萎縮(脳室拡大および大脳白質萎縮)の程度を明らかにするために維持透析患者62例,本態性高血圧患者25例,健常者33例のbicaudate cerebroventricular indexを頭部CTより計測した.その結果,透析患者では健常者より20年ほど,また本態性高血圧患者より10年ほど早くから同程度の脳萎縮が認められ,この変化は高齢になるに従って緩やかに強まっていった.また,頭部CT検査やMR検査では,ビンスワンガー病(動脈硬化性皮質下脳症)と考えられる大脳白質の変性病変に加えて無症候性脳梗塞が存在することも少なくない.そして,これらの糖尿病性腎症や腎硬化症を基礎疾患とする透析患者でより出現頻度が高かった.
Theme Functional and Organic Changes of Brain Observed in Dialysis Patients
Title Cerebrovascular diseases and brain atrophy in maintenance dialysis patients
Author Tsunehiko Noda Department of Neurology, Shinrakuen Hospital
Author Shigeru Miyazaki Kidney Center, Shinrakuen Hospital
[ Summary ] Cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) and brain atrophy are one of the major complications reducing the quality of life in dialysis patients. To elucidate the significance of CVD in maintenance dialysis patients, we analyzed its incidence and mortality in 2,123 dialysis patients treated in our hospital from January 1981 to December 1995 retrospectively. The number of patients suffered from cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage were 125 and 55. Among these patients, 13 cases out of 125 cerebral infarction and 27 cases out of 55 cerebral hemorrhage died. The mortality of cerebral hemorrhage in dialysis patients, however, decreased recently probably due to amelioration of hypertension before and after the initiation of dialysis therapy, and improvement of dialysis therapy. In case of cerebral hemorrhage, the hemodialysis (HD) without heparinization rather than peritoneal dialysis can be recommended because HD can strictly control blood pressure, volume status and brain edema. To evaluate the degree of brain atrophy (cerebral ventricular dilatation and white matter atrophy) in maintenance dialysis patients, we calculated bicaudate cerebroventricular index by CT in 62 dialysis patients, 25 essential hypertensives and 33 normal controls. Brain atrophy was often found especially in elderly dialysis patients, furthermore, this lesion occurred 20 years earlier than normal controls, and 10 years earlier than essential hypertensives. White matter degeneration (Binswanger's disease ; sub cortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy) and a symptomatic cerebral infarction were frequently found by CT or MRI in dialysis patients, especially in diabetic nephropathy and hypertensive nephrosclerosis cases. Etiology of CVD, brain atrophy and white matter degeneration observed in dialysis patients is obscure, but it may be suggested that the arteriosclerotic factors including original disease of renal failure, complicated hypertension, uremia and dialysis therapy itself are responsible for this brain lesion.