臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.2(3-1)

特集名 脳の機能的・器質的変化
題名 脳循環・代謝検査法 (1) 脳血管障害のCTとMRI
発刊年月 1997年 02月
著者 畑 隆志 東海大学医学部神経内科
著者 篠原 幸人 東海大学医学部神経内科
【 要旨 】 脳血管障害の診断にCTとMRIはもはや不可欠なものになっている.その急性期の診断に,CTとMRIのどちらが優れているかという議論はよくなされるが,双方に長所短所があり,また基本的な撮像原理が異なるためにどちらかが淘汰されるとは考え難い.現状では脳血管障害急性期の検査の第一選択はCTと考えられており,CTでクモ膜下出血,脳内出血がない場合に,MRIを撮像する.脳梗塞を超急性期に診断することは,超急性期治療法の発達とともに近年重要さを増している.脳梗塞病巣はCTでは原則として低吸収域として描出されるが,病巣が低吸収になるのは発症後24~48時間とされているので,超急性期には梗塞巣の出現以外の変化に注目が集まっている.
Theme Functional and Organic Changes of Brain Observed in Dialysis Patients
Title Diagnosis of acute stroke:comparison of CT and MR imaging
Author Takashi Hata Department of Neurilogy, Tokai University of Medicine
Author Yukito Shinohara Department of Neurilogy, Tokai University of Medicine
[ Summary ] Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have become invaluable means of making clinical decisions regarding cerebrovascular diseases (CVD). However, controversy persists as to whether MRI offers advantages over CT scanning for detecting lesions in patients with acute CVD. MRI may not be able to replace CT, however, because of the difference in fundamental imaging principles between these two methods. At present, the imaging procedure of first choice for making a differential diagnosis in the acute period of CVD is CT scanning, and MRI should be done when the CT is negative for findings of intracerebral bleeding or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Recently, it has become more important to make a precise diagnosis of cerebral infarction in the ultra-acute period of the disease (i.e. within 3 hours after the onset of stroke), because therapeutic intervention is advancing. The infarcted area appears as a hypodense lesion, generally 24 to 48 hours after the onset. Thus, attention must be paid to findings other than the attenuation change. It is easy to diagnose cerebral bleeding by CT scanning, and it has become possible to diagnose subarachnoid hemorrhage by high resolution CT, which was developed recently, in more than 90% of patients with acute SAH, if the CT is performed within 4 to 5 days after the onset. However, lumbar puncture may be essential to confirm the diagnosis of SAH, in cases in whom the amount of bleeding is small or those who bled 1 week or more prior to the scanning. On the other hand, the development of high speed imaging, with MRI, makes it possible to document brain function(activation), cerebral circulation and even the diffusion of water molecules. We hope that experience will permit the judicious use of these morphological and physiological data for the prevention and the treatment of CVD.