臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.13(2-4-8)

特集名 透析と呼吸器
題名 透析における呼吸器合併症 (8) 肺機能異常
発刊年月 1997年 12月
著者 清水 孝 武蔵野赤十字病院呼吸器科
著者 福留 裕一郎 横須賀共済病院内科
著者 三浦 溥太郎 横須賀共済病院内科
著者 笹岡 拓雄 横須賀共済病院内科
【 要旨 】 慢性腎不全患者,慢性透析患者の種々の肺機能障害,すなわち,換気能障害,拡散障害,拘束性障害および閉塞性障害について現在までにさまざまな報告がなされている.気管支喘息をもつ慢性透析患者では,透析により喘息発作が誘発されることがあるが,その原因ははっきりしない.
Theme Dialysis Therapy and Respiratory Systems
Title Pulmonary dysfunction in hemodialysis patients
Author Takashi Shimizu Department of Respiratory Medicine, Musashino Red Cross Hospital
Author Yuichiro Fukutome Department of Internal Medicine, Yokosuka Kyousai Hospital
Author Hirotaro Miura Department of Internal Medicine, Yokosuka Kyousai Hospital
Author Takuo Sasaoka Department of Internal Medicine, Yokosuka Kyousai Hospital
[ Summary ] It is said that patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) because of chronic renal failure have respiratory complications tract. Dysfunctions of ventilation and pulmonary diffusing capacity has been reported. Restrictive and obstructive ventilatory disturbances have also been reported to date. Patients with bronchial asthma often have asthma attacks during HD. We examine serum concentrations of eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), comparing HD patients with and without bronchial asthma. ECP is a granule of eosinophils, and is disseminated by degranulation. Serum ECP is associated with airway inflammation and increased responsiveness of the tracheobraonchial tree. Serum ECP of HD patients without asthma decreased 15 minutes after the start of HD. Otherwise, that of HD patients with asthma increased. Though serum ECP of the two groups did not differ before HD, it was significantly elevated in patients with asthma during HD. Serum ECP is thought to be one of the risk factors for inducting an asthma attack during HD.