臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.12(1)

特集名 腎移植 -- 新しいシステムをめぐって
題名 腎臓移植と行政
発刊年月 1997年 11月
著者 重藤 和弘 厚生省保健医療局疾病対策課臓器移植対策室
【 要旨 】 臓器移植を進めるにあたっては,移植を必要とする患者の間で移植を受ける機会を公平なものとしておくことがきわめて重要である.そのためには,移植を適応とする患者がどこに住んでいようと,また,どこの施設で治療を受けていようと,公平にその機会が与えられるような方途を具体的に講じておくことが必要である.
Theme Renal Transplantation under New Organ Sharing System in Japan
Title Kidney transplant network and future organ transplant network
Author Kazuhiro Shigetou Office of Organ Transplantation, Ministry of Health and Welfare
[ Summary ] It is extremely important that people who need organ transplants be given fair access to them. Specific steps must be taken to give patients fair access wherever they may presently be living or undergoing treatment.
It is also important that organs in great demandand donated with charitable intentions be used as effectively as possible; to ensure that they are, they should be given to those patients who are the most deserving and suitable from several points of view, including recipient-donor organ compatibility.
The establishment of organ transplant networks is indispensable to ensure fair access to organs and to perform the maximum number of feasible transplants.
In Japan, a functioning network is already in place for kidney transplants. It was established in 1995. Similar networks are needed for hearts, livers, and other organs.