臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.11(9-2)

特集名 腎疾患患者の食事援助 -- 治療用特殊食品の利用
題名 食物繊維製品 (2) 腎臓食への応用
発刊年月 1997年 10月
著者 夏目 佳美 増子記念病院・管理栄養士
【 要旨 】 食物繊維は,便秘や大腸癌の防止,血糖値調節作用などの有用性について,数多く報告されている.その食物繊維を利用した食物繊維製品は,現在市場にも数多く出回り,不溶性・水溶性形態もさまざまである.食物繊維が不足しやすい腎疾患患者には,利用しやすい食物繊維製品を選び,また,その利用上の工夫も必要である.
Theme The Support of Nutritional Condition of Patients with Renal Disease -- Foods for special dietary uses
Title The application to dietary fiber products to the management of renal disease patients
Author Yoshimi Natsume Masuko Memorial Hospital / dietitian
[ Summary ] Many investigators have reported that dietary fiber has the effect of prevent colon cancer and constipation. Dietary fiber products, in both soluble and insoluble forms, have sold well. Renal disease patients tend have poor intakes of dietary fiber. It is necessary for them to chose the most appropriate form of dietary fiber and to utilize optimally.
Actually, it has been reported that increasing the intake of dietary fiber improve disorders involving defecation and the regulation of blood glucose and triglyceride levels.
Renal disease patients consume inadequate amounts of dietary fiber because potassium and water are controlled in their food. We conclude that increasing intake of dietary fiber is important for the nutritional management of renal disease patients.