臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.11(4-2)

特集名 腎疾患患者の食事援助 -- 治療用特殊食品の利用
題名 低たんぱく食品 (2) 腎臓食への応用
発刊年月 1997年 10月
著者 田部井 久雄 浜松佐藤町診療所 / 前 国立東静病院栄養管理室
【 要旨 】 腎疾患に対する低たんぱく食の有効性については,古くから証明されているが,現在なお広く普及しているとは言い難い.低たんぱく食を通常食品で行うことは意外に困難であり,たとえ行ったとしても,油脂や二糖類の多用により栄養生理上の問題が発生し継続が難しいからである.必要に迫られて「低たんぱく食品」が開発され,これらを熱心に勧める関係者の努力と患者の理解により長期にわたり実施し,良い結果を得ている例が増えている.しかし,これらは治療用特殊食品であり,その調理や食べ方については一定の技術と工夫を必要とする.それを克服してけっこう楽しく食事療法を続けているのである.
Theme The Support of Nutritional Condition of Patients with Renal Disease -- Foods for special dietary uses
Title Application of low-protein foods for kidney disorders
Author Hisao Tabei Administer Dietitian, Hamamatsu Satouchou Clinic
[ Summary ] Although the effectiveness of low-protein foods for kidney disorders has long been recognized, their application is still rathar limited as yet. This is because a low-protein diet is unexpectedly difficult to achieve and continue by using regular food stuffs as ingredients, particularly because of the resulting dietary problems of excessive oil and disaccharide contents. Under these circumstances, special "low-protein foods" have been developed. As a result of continual efforts of those encouraging the use of these special types of food, as well as ceaceless efforts on the parts of patients themselves, there has been an increasing number of positive reports on the prolonged use of these foods. Nevertheless, since such "low-proteinfoods" have been especially developed for medical purposes, their preparation and means of consumption are said to require extraordinary techniques and efforts. There are however, also instances in which the caretaker and the patient have truly enjoyed a low-protein diet for a long period without being troubled by any special requirements.