臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.10(7)

特集名 透析患者の血圧管理の実際
題名 エリスロポエチン(EPO)と高血圧
発刊年月 1997年 09月
著者 栗山 哲 東京都済生会中央病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 EPOによる高血圧は,慢性腎不全患者に特異的な副作用である.発症頻度はHD患者で30%前後,CAPDや保存期患者では20%以下である.血圧上昇の機序は,ヘマトクリット上昇による心血行動態の変化(loss of hypoxic vasodilation),血液粘度の上昇,血管平滑筋に対する直接収縮作用,内皮細胞(エンドセリン)との関連,血中カテコールアミンなどのホルモンを介する作用,食欲亢進作用など多岐にわたり説明されている.
Theme Blood Pressure Control in Chronic Renal Failure
Title Hypertensinogenic effect of EPO
Author Satoru Kuriyama Divison of Nephrology, Saiseikai Central Hospital
[ Summary ] EPO-induced hypertension can be seen specifically in patients with chronic renal failure. The incidence of EPO-induced hypertension has been estimated to be approximately 30% in HD patients and 20% or less in CAPD and predialysis patients. The mechanisms by which EPO exerts this hypertensinogenic effect may be multifactorial;loss of hypoxic vasodilation, increased blood viscocity, direct vascular effect, effects via the endothelium, increased plasma catecholamines and augmented appetite.
EPO-induced hypertension can be prevented with well-controlled blood pressure, gentlly lowering the rate of Ht improvement, and perhaps the use of antiplatelet agents.
The treatment should be performed by carefully adjusting dry weight and appropriate antihypertensive agents. The first therapeutic choice must be Ca-antagonists or ACE inhibitors. The latter should not be used for patients with a serum Cr exceeding 2mg/dl. In order to avoid abrupt deterioration of renal function, blood pressure should be lowered in a gentle and slow manner.