臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.1(8-9)

特集名 副甲状腺機能低下症
題名 慢性透析患者の副甲状腺機能低下症 (9) 副甲状腺機能低下の骨組織像・骨塩量に及ぼす影響
発刊年月 1997年 01月
著者 内山 徹 新潟大学医学部整形外科
著者 谷澤 龍彦 新潟大学医学部整形外科
【 要旨 】 慢性透析患者において,PTHが低値で,PTH分泌刺激試験にも反応しない続発性副甲状腺機能低下症が存在することが報告されている.それらの症例の骨塩量に関する報告は少ないが,副甲状腺ホルモンの分泌低下により低骨代謝回転となることから,閉経直後の高骨代謝回転状態を緩和し,骨量減少の割合を低下させるとの報告がある.一方,副甲状腺機能正常者と骨量は変わらないという報告もある.低骨回転骨症の組織像は骨軟化症と無形成骨症に分類される.骨軟化症では石灰化障害により過剰な類骨が蓄積する.無形成骨症は類骨形成と石灰化の両者が障害され,類骨層は非常に薄くテトラサイクリン標識はほとんど認められない.低回転骨症では骨脆弱性を招く危惧があるが,低回転骨症と臨床症状との関係は必ずしも明確にされてはいない.さらなる研究が待たれるところである.
Theme Hypoparathyroidism and Related Problems in Dialysis Patients
Title Bone histopathology and bone mineral density on hypoparathyroidism
Author Toru Uchiyama Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Niigata University School of Medicine
Author Tatsuhiko Tanizawa Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Niigata University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Among patients on hemodialysis, it has been reported that there are a number who do not respond to exogenous PTH stimulation. These patients are considered to have hypoparathyroidism but only a few reports have addressed bone mineral density in these subjects. As the hypoparathyroid state leads to low bone turnover, bone loss appears to be lower than in patients with a normal PTH level. On the other hand, it was reported that bone mineral densites did not differ from those of patients with normal PTH levels. Low turnover bone was classified as being attributable to osteomalacia or adynamic bone disease. Excess osteoid accumulated because of a mineralization disorder in osteomalacia. Both osteoid formation and mineralization were disturbed in adynamic bone disease. Thin osteoid and the absence of tetracycline labeling were observed frequently in adynamic bone disease. Low turnover bone may be related to bone fragility. However, the relationship between low turnover bone and clinical symptoms remaind. Further study is required on this issue.