臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.1(8-4)

特集名 副甲状腺機能低下症
題名 慢性透析患者の副甲状腺機能低下症 (4) 血液透析導入後の血清PTHの推移と治療法
発刊年月 1997年 01月
著者 衣笠 えり子 昭和大学藤が丘病院内科
著者 佐藤 良和 昭和大学藤が丘病院内科
著者 小岩 文彦 昭和大学藤が丘病院内科
【 要旨 】 活性型ビタミンD(VD)の登場にもかかわらず副甲状腺摘出術(PTx)を要する二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症(2°HPT)症例が存在する.一方,低回転骨の成因となる低PTH血症症例(Hypo)も増加している.透析導入後のPTH濃度の変化の検討から,導入初期のPTHが比較的低値の症例には糖尿病が多く,またほぼ全例で通常量のVD投与により導入後12カ月のPTH濃度は著明に抑制された.一方,PTx症例の検討からは,導入後抑制されていたPTH分泌は導入10年前後を経て急激に増加し,VDパルス療法に不応性となること,逆にVDの投与なしにPTH分泌の抑制が持続する症例の存在も示された.Ca-sigmoidal curve の検討では,透析の長期化に伴い最大PTH分泌や set point(SP)異常が増強し,PTx例でのSPは高値を示した.以上より,透析患者のHypoの機序の一つとしての導入期VD投与の可能性と,2°HPTの発症・治療におけるVD依存性とそれからの逸脱が示唆された.
Theme Hypoparathyroidism and Related Problems in Dialysis Patients
Title Parathyroid function after the introduction to hemodialysis therapy
Author Eriko Kinugasa Internal Medicine, Fujigaoka Hospital, Showa University
Author Yoshikazu Satoh Internal Medicine, Fujigaoka Hospital, Showa University
Author Fumihiko Koiwa Internal Medicine, Fujigaoka Hospital, Showa University
[ Summary ] Despite conventional treatments with activated vitamin D3, patients requiring parathyroidectomy (PTx) because of refractory hyperpatathyroidism (2nd HPT) still exist among the hemodialysis (HD) population. On the contrary, the prevalence of hypoparathyroidism (Hypo), which causes low bone turnover, has been reported to be increasing. When changes in parathyroid (PTG) function were evaluated by means of intact-PTH (i-PTH) levels, approximately 45% of patients in end-stage renal failure before HD showed relatively low PTH levels (< 300pg/ml) while 24% were included in a higher range (> 500pg/ml). In these patients, Hypo (i-PTH below 150pg/ml) was established within the first 12 months after initiating HD therapy, even if the pre-HD values of i-PTH were at levels greater than 500pg/ml. From analyses of cases requiring PTx,it has been shown that PTH levels suddendly increased around 7-10 years after starting HD therapy, a point at which the efficacy of VD pulse therapy would presumably be minimal. Ca-sigmoidal curve (SC) analyses revealed that the set points (SP) of Ca increased according to HD duration, and the SPs in diabetic patients were lower than those of patients with other etiologies. From these results, it is reasonable to conclude that PTG function is suppressed in the early phase of HD therapy even at conventional VD doses,and a portion of these patients developed overt 2nd HPT several years after HD therapy with gradual increments in the SP of Ca. Responses to VD pulse therapy might depend on the SP of Ca and PTG volume.