臨牀透析 Vol.13 No.1(8-1)

特集名 副甲状腺機能低下症
題名 慢性透析患者の副甲状腺機能低下症 (1) 透析期,保存期腎不全患者における血中副甲状腺ホルモン濃度
発刊年月 1997年 01月
著者 秋澤 忠男 昭和大学藤が丘病院腎臓内科
著者 小岩 文彦 昭和大学藤が丘病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 腎不全ではPTHは頻繁に測定されるが,測定値を全国的に集計した報告は少ない.わが国での透析患者に対する調査結果では,PTH高値例は長期透析患者,若年者,非糖尿病症例に多いものの,透析患者全体の65~75%は骨の正常な代謝回転を維持するのに必要なPTHが分泌されない副甲状腺機能低下症に分類される.機能低下症は高齢者,透析歴の短い例,糖尿病に多く,高い透析液カルシウム濃度や活性型ビタミンD剤などの併用療法も機能低下の促進因子と考えられる.保存期腎不全患者についての大規模な検討結果はみられないが,腎機能低下に伴い大部分の症例でPTHは増加するものの,糖尿病や高齢者のなかには末期腎不全に至っても低PTHを維持する例が存在する.自験例では透析導入時にも約2割が機能低下症と推定され,今後保存期にビタミンDなどの併用療法が普及するに従い,その頻度が増加するのではないかと懸念される.
Theme Hypoparathyroidism and Related Problems in Dialysis Patients
Title Serum PTH concentration in dialysis and pre-dialysis patients with chronic renal failure
Author Tadao Akizawa Internal Medicine, Fujigaoka Hospital, Showa University
Author Fumihiko Koiwa Internal Medicine, Fujigaoka Hospital, Showa University
[ Summary ] PTH concentrations were reviewed in patients with chronic renal failure. High PTH levels were relatively frequently observed in long-term, young, non-diabetic dialysis patients. However, 60-75% of dialysis patients showed lower PTH levels than those required for normal bone metabolism of uremic bone which is resistant to PTH. Hypoparathyroidism (Hypo) tended to be observed in elderly, short term, diabetic dialysis patients. Other than these background factors, iatrogenic factors such as a high Ca concentration dialysate, excessive administration of vitamin D analogues or Ca salts, may contribute to the high incidence of Hypo. Low PTH concentrations were also noted even in patients with end-stage renal failure just before the initiation of dialysis. Approximately 20% with end-stage renal failure showed this Hypo state in our hospital. Careful attention should be paid to the increase in Hypo in the predialysis period, which is anticipated to increase due to the widespread use of vitamin D analogues.