INTESTINE Vol.9 No.2(1-2)

特集名 拡大内視鏡の最前線
題名 新しい拡大内視鏡の機種と機能 (2) フジノン東芝
発刊年月 2005年 03月
著者 秋庭 治男 フジノン株式会社医用機器事業部開発製造部設計課
著者 南 逸司 フジノン株式会社医用機器事業部開発製造部設計課
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme The front line of magnifying endoscopy and pit pattern diagnosis -- Now and future
Title Features of new magnifying video endoscope model
Author Haruo Akiba Design Division, Development Manufacture Department, Medical Equipment Division, Fujnon Corporation
Author Itsuji Minami Design Division, Development Manufacture Department, Medical Equipment Division, Fujinon Corporation
[ Summary ] The optical magnifying type video endoscope from Fujinon has achieved a maximum optical magnification of 100 times on a 14 inch monitor screen by means of a unique electromotive lens driving technique, maintaining equivalent performance during insertion and operations, compared to normal endoscopes.
We hope that it will be possible with this paper to improve your understanding of the structure and advantages of our optical magnifying video endoscope with the electromotive lens driving method, which will contribute to improvements in accurate diagnosis.