INTESTINE Vol.9 No.1(2-3)

特集名 潰瘍性大腸炎と大腸癌
題名 Dysplasia (m 癌を含む) と癌 (sm 以上浸潤癌) の画像診断 (3) 超音波内視鏡診断
発刊年月 2005年 01月
著者 清水 誠治 大阪鉄道病院消化器内科
著者 富岡 秀夫 大阪鉄道病院消化器内科
著者 渡邉 元樹 大阪鉄道病院消化器内科
著者 多田 正大 多田消化器クリニック
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Colorectal cancer in ulcerative colitis
Title Possible roles of endoscopic ultrasonography in ulcerative colitis associated colorectal cancer
Author Seiji Shimizu Department of Gastroenterology, JR West Osaka General Hospital
Author Hideo Tomioka Department of Gastroenterology, JR West Osaka General Hospital
Author Motoki Watanabe Department of Gastroenterology, JR West Osaka General Hospital
Author Masahiro Tada Tada Gastroenterological Clinic
[ Summary ] The possible roles for endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) in the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis associated colorectal cancer were described, based on our experience with six cancers out of five cases. The existence of cancer could be seen with EUS in invasive cancer cases. However, mucosal cancers and dysplasias could not be distinguished from inflammatory prominences. In one case, the existence of an invasive cancer was noticed by using EUS, preceding endoscopic detection and histological confirmation. The qualitative diagnosis of cancer was possible for invasive cancers, based on the presence of hypoechoic areas with irregular contours penetrating the wall layers. The presence of mucinous components was suspected in the areas with lower echo levels. The depth of cancer infiltration could be estimated by use of EUS when instruments were properly chosen. EUS was also useful to exclude the presence of invasive cancers when strictures or prominences were observed. Although the number of proven cases was small, EUS may have the potential to detect invasive cancers and may be useful if incorporated into cancer surveillance for long standing ulcerative colitis.