INTESTINE Vol.8 No.6(2-4)

特集名 大腸癌検診を考える
題名 スクリーニング法 (4) 便潜血検査とシグモイドスコピー併用による大腸癌スクリーニング
発刊年月 2004年 11月
著者 野崎 良一 大腸肛門病センター高野病院
著者 村田 隆二 大腸肛門病センター高野病院
著者 谷村 修 大腸肛門病センター高野病院
著者 大湾 朝尚 大腸肛門病センター高野病院
著者 山田 一隆 大腸肛門病センター高野病院
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Strategy of colon cancer screening
Title Mass screening for colorectal cancer using combination of fecal occult blood test and flexible sigmoidoscopy
Author Ryoichi Nozaki Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
Author Ryuji Murata Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
Author Syu Tanimura Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
Author Tomohisa Ohwan Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
Author Kazutaka Yamada Coloproctology Center, Takano Hospital
[ Summary ] Since 1983, we have been conducting mass screening for colorectal cancer (CRC) by combining the use of immunological fecal occult tests (IFOBT) and flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS). Over a three year period, from 2000 April to 2003 March, we detected 362 cases of CRC among 215,763 examinees using a screening test with a two-day IFOBT only. The detection rate was 0.17%. On the other hand, the frequency of CRC detected by FS in a total of 21,604 examinees with negative IFOBT was 0.17% (42 cases) early CRC 0.16% (39 cases) , advanced CRC 0.01% (3 cases). These results demonstrate that screening with 2-day IFOBT only, has the potential of overlooking significant numbers of CRC cases in the early curable stage. Therefore, the combined use of IFOBT and FS is thought to be an effective and useful screening method for CRC, not only in multiphasic health checkups or "human dry docks", but also in mass screening. This method is recommended as effective for primary screening of CRC because of the minimal pretreatment, required the simple technique and the hort procedure time.