INTESTINE Vol.8 No.6(2-1)

特集名 大腸癌検診を考える
題名 スクリーニング法 (1) 問診と便潜血 (ヘモグロビン) によるスクリーニングの意義と問題点
発刊年月 2004年 11月
著者 今村 清子 横浜市立市民病院がん検診センター
著者 増田 英明 横浜市立市民病院がん検診センター
著者 吉田 富子 横浜市立市民病院がん検診センター
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Strategy of colon cancer screening
Title Significance and problems of colorectal cancer screening using medical examinations by interview and fecal occult blood (hemoglobin) test
Author Kiyoko Imamura Division of Cancer Detection Center, Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital
Author Hideaki Masuda Division of Cancer Detection Center, Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital
Author Tomiko Yoshida Division of Cancer Detection Center, Yokohama Municipal Citizen's Hospital
[ Summary ] Medical examinations by interview before colorectal cancer screening are very important in understanding the background and mental state of examinees, and the appropriate selection of screening procedures. In addition, the immunological fecal occult blood test has been evaluated as the most reliable procedure for colorectal cancer screening. In particular, when positive results are obtained twice by a 2-day immunological fecal occult blood test, cancers developing in the rectum, cecum, and ascending colon can be detected at higher rates, and active endoscopy should be recommended for early detection of cancers. In our institution, a screening system, in which all examinees are divided into the following 2 groups, has been established ; examinees who will be initially examined by the immunological fecal occult blood test and those who will be initially examined by barium enema by indirect fluoroscopy. Consequently, the percentage of examinees undergoing endoscopic scrutiny of colorectal cancers is always maintained at around 95%, and colorectal cancers are detected at higher rates in our institution, because screening procedures can be selected based on the presence or absence of family history, a history of colorectal disorders, a history of positive results for a fecal occult blood test within 6 months, and bloody stool.