INTESTINE Vol.8 No.5(1-1)

特集名 大腸のリンパ増殖性病変の現状 -- 悪性リンパ腫を中心に
題名 病理 (総説) (1) 悪性リンパ腫の分類 -- 新WHO分類とLSG分類
発刊年月 2004年 09月
著者 福田 剛明 福島県立医科大学第二病理
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Present status of lymphoid proliferative disease of the colo-rectum with special reference to malignant lymphoma
Title Concise review of new WHO classification of lymphomas
Author Takeaki Fukuda Second Department of Pathology, Fukushinia Medical University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The new World Health Organization classification of tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues recognizes three major categories of lymphoid neoplasms : B cell neoplasms, T and NK cell neoplasms, and Hodgkin's lymphomas. Within the B and T/NK cell categories, two major categories are recognized as precursor and peripheral or mature neoplasms, corresponding to the stages of differentiation of postulated normal counterparts in the immune system. There are a large numher of distinct diseases in each category, especially with peripheral or mature neoplasms. Each disease is classified according to its morphologic features as well as its immunophenotype. Furthermore, there are differences from previous classifications of lymphomas, in the estahlishment of several new entities according to epidemiology, aetiology, clinical features and responses to therapy. Since new immunophenotypic and genetic information has heen gathered, revision is necessary to update the classification. This classification is a critical test for an ideal international classification of malignant lymphomas, although it has a large numher of problems that will need to be resolved in the future.