INTESTINE Vol.8 No.2(2-2)

特集名 大腸癌切除後のサーベイランス -- 転移・再発を中心に
題名 各論 (2) 大腸進行癌の術後サーベイランス -- 外科医の立場から
発刊年月 2004年 03月
著者 三宅 大 国立国際医療センター大腸肛門病科
著者 斉藤 幸夫 国立国際医療センター大腸肛門病科
著者 矢野 秀朗 国立国際医療センター大腸肛門病科
著者 桐原 勇次郎 国立国際医療センター大腸肛門病科
著者 高島 純哉 国立国際医療センター大腸肛門病科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme The surveillance program after treatment of colorectal cancers
Title Surveillance for patients with resected colorectal cancer
Author Ohki Miyake International Medical Center of Japan
Author Yukio Saito International Medical Center of Japan
Author Hideaki Yano International Medical Center of Japan
Author Yujiro Kirihara International Medical Center of Japan
Author Junya Takashima International Medical Center of Japan
[ Summary ] Patients with recurrent colon carcinoma have a better prognosis if treated with surgical resection and radiochemotherapy, compared to other gastrointestinal carcinoma patients. The aim of postoperative surveillance is to detect recurrent or metastatic disease in patients who have had curative surgery and to improve their survival rates. Because of recent marked improvements in diagnostic procedures, we have achieved good outcomes, in terms of resectability and survival rates, among patients with liver and/or lung metastasis, and local recurrence. It has also been proven that advancements in radiation therapy and loco-regional therapy may be usable to obtain better outcomes without compromising patients' quality of life. Methods of current postoperative surveillance should be modified, considering these diagnostic and therapeutic improvements. Highly effective and efficient postoperative surveillance programs must be established.