INTESTINE Vol.7 No.6(1-1)

特集名 最先端の治療内視鏡
題名 内視鏡切除技術の進歩 (1) 新たな処置具・器械 e. 高周波装置 -- オリンパス
発刊年月 2003年 11月
著者 市川 義人 オリンパス (株) 消化器事業推進部
【 要旨 】
Theme Forefront of endoscopic treatment in early colorectal cancer
Title Electro-surgical devices manufactured by Olympus
Author Yoshihito Ichikawa Olympus Optical Co., Ltd.
[ Summary ] Endoscopic treatment with electro-surgical devices has different characteristic from open surgery or other forms of treatment. It is important to understand the characteristics of these devices and to know the suitable settings for electro-surgical devices. Different electro-surgical treatment devices have different characteristics and are needed for different techniques. It is necessary to understand the individual principals of various electro-surgical devices to perform necessary procedures.
Olympus has developed two types of new electro-surgical devices to meet the needs of endoscopic treatment. This tool is suitable to perform endoscopic treatment. With this equipment, it is possible to change important settings to meet the needs for various procedures in endoscopic treatment.