INTESTINE Vol.7 No.6(1-1)

特集名 最先端の治療内視鏡
題名 内視鏡切除技術の進歩 (1) 新たな処置具・器械 b. 局注液
発刊年月 2003年 11月
著者 山本 博徳 自治医科大学内科学講座消化器内科学部門
著者 砂田 圭二郎 自治医科大学内科学講座消化器内科学部門
著者 喜多 宏人 自治医科大学内科学講座消化器内科学部門
著者 岩本 美智子 自治医科大学内科学講座消化器内科学部門
著者 菅野 健太郎 自治医科大学内科学講座消化器内科学部門
【 要旨 】
Theme Forefront of endoscopic treatment in early colorectal cancer
Title Injection solution
Author Hironori Yamamoto Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical School
Author Osamu Tsuruta Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical School
Author Hiroto Kita Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical School
Author Michiko Iwamoto Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical School
Author Kentaro Sugano Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Jichi Medical School
[ Summary ] The submucosal dissection EMR method has attracted attention recently because it providesreliable en bloc resection of large superficial cancers of the GI tract. Although this method has been widely adopted for stomach lesions, it is still considered to be difficult to use for colonic lesions. It is important to select a long lasting injection solution, i.e. sodium hyaluronate, to perform the submucosal dissection EMR of colonic lesions. A submucosal injection of sodium hyaluronate thickens and hardens the soft thin colonic wall and it provides a safety margin for submucosal dissection.
The characteristics of sodium hyaluronate are presented as an injection solution for submucosal dissection EMR. The tips and pitfalls of this method are also described.