INTESTINE Vol.7 No.5(4-5)

特集名 Total colonoscopy -- 挿入理論とその応用
題名 挿入困難例とその克服方法 (5) その他 b. 超細径内視鏡による挿入困難例の克服
発刊年月 2003年 09月
著者 宇野 良治 東邦大学医学部消化器内科,高橋病院消化器科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Theory of insertion technique in total colonoscopy and its practical application
Title Ultra-thin colonoscope insertion method for difficult cases
Author Yoshiharu Uno Department of Gastroenterology, Toho University School of Medicine / Division of Gastroenterology, Takahashi Hospital
[ Summary ] Many patients wanting comfortable and complete pancolonoscopy visited the author's hospital because of their previous experiences with painful and/or incomplete colonoscopies in other institutions.
Most difficulties with colonoscopy are related to defective fixation, which leads to abnormal positioning of the colonic segment, or to a relatively fixed colon, secondary to serosal adhesions from polysurgery in the abdomen.
Total colonoscopy is achievable in such patients using an ultra-thin colonoscope (CF-SV), stiffening wire and a fluoroscope.
Some cases reguire interventional rediology techniques during insertion of the colonoscope, such as catheter insertion techniques.