INTESTINE Vol.7 No.5(4-1)

特集名 Total colonoscopy -- 挿入理論とその応用
題名 挿入困難例とその克服方法 (1) S状結腸の通過 a. わかりやすいSDJまでの挿入法
発刊年月 2003年 09月
著者 鈴木 康元 松島病院大腸肛門病センター
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Theory of insertion technique in total colonoscopy and its practical application
Title Easy-to-understand colonoscope insertion reaching SDJ
Author Yasumoto Suzuki coloproctology Center, Matsushima Hospital
[ Summary ] We describe how to overcome difficultes in passing a colonoscope through the sigmoid colon in complicated cases.
1) Conditions for TCS; One person technique; no fluoroscopy; no change in subject's position; use of premedications; use of stretchers; and performing approximately six total colonoscopies per hour. 2) Key factors for insertion technique; Do not decrease the degree of pressure conveyed to the tip of the scope; insert the device in such a manner as to capture the lumen in the right direction; and do not use the left turn push. 3) Insertion technique in practice; Technique for colonoscope insertion from the rectum to the SDJ, making full use of six basic patterns is shown. In difficult insertion cases, the basic technique is the same, except for putting more emphasis on pulling than pushing, as well as performing turning procedures, angle control, and a pushing-pulling of the scope more softly and in smaller increments.