INTESTINE Vol.6 No.4(3)

特集名 第11回 大腸IIc研究会・国際消化管セミナー講演集
題名 Making colonoscopy easier
発刊年月 2002年 07月
著者 Christopher B Williams St Mark's Hospital for Colorectal and Intestinal Disorders
著者 Brian P Saunders St Mark's Hospital for Colorectal and Intestinal Disorders
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Proceeding of 11th Annual Meeting on Colorectal IIc Lesions and International Seminor of Therapeuic Endoscopy 2001
Title Making colonoscopy easier
Author Christopher B Williams St Mark's Hospital for Colorectal and Intestinal Disorders
Author Brian P Saunders St Mark's Hospital for Colorectal and Intestinal Disorders
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