INTESTINE Vol.5 No.6(2)

特集名 拡大内視鏡による深達度診断 -- V型pit patternを中心に
題名 主題研究 -- 大腸sm癌の病理組織と実体顕微鏡観察下pit patternとの対比
発刊年月 2001年 11月
著者 味岡 洋一 新潟大学大学院分子・病態病理学
著者 林 俊壱 済生会新潟第二病院消化器内科
著者 松田 知己 平塚胃腸病院消化器内科
著者 渡辺 英伸 新潟大学大学院分子・診断病理学
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Pit pattern diagnosis of sm invasive colorectal carcinoma
Title Correlation between histological findings and pit pattern of submucosal colorectal carcinoma
Author Yoichi Ajioka Division of Molecular and Functional Pathology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University
Author Shun-ichi Hayashi Division of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai Niigata Daini Hospital
Author Tomoki Matsuda Division of Gastroenterology, Hiratsuka Gastroenterological Hospital
Author Hidenobu Watanabe Division of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University
[ Summary ] Histological factors (the state of remnant mucosal components and the muscularis mucosae; m/mm, desmoplastic reactions on the surface of the tumor; DR, and depth of submucosal invasion; Vsm) and their corresponding pit patterns (PP) were analysed and the possibility of PP diagnosis of the depth of submucosal cancer invasion were studied in fifty nine colorectal submucosal carcinomas. Carcinomas were classified as those with submucosal shallow invasion (sm-s) (Vsm<1,000 micro m or deep invasion (sm-d) (Vsm>=1,000 micro m). PP correlated primarily with the state of m/mm and did not correlate directly with DR or Vsm. However, since the state of m/mm correlated with Vsm, indirect PP diagnosis of the Vsm is possible through the evaluation of the state of m/mm through PP analysis. The correlation between m/mm, pit patterns and the rate of sm-d were as follows; 1) m+/mm+: regular PP (88.9%), sm-d (44.4%), 2) m+/mm+-: regular (23.5%) or web/irregular PP (76.5%), sm-d (70.6%), 3) m+/mm-: web/irregular PP (93.7%), sm-d (93%), 4) in-/mm- irregular PP (53%) or low pit population (47%), sm-d (100%). From this data, it was considered that; 1) half of m-/mm- cancers can be diagnosed through PP by detecting their characteristic low pit population and these tumors can be regarded as sm-d, 2) PP diagnosis of sm-d in m+/mm+ and m+/mm+- groups seemed to be almost impossible. For these tumors, even PP diagnoses of submucosal cancer seemed to be difficult because of their regular PP, which is similar to that seen in intramucosal tumors, 3) PP diagnosis of m+/mm- cancer is the key to extending the efficacy of PP dignosis of sm-d. For this purpose, the differential diagnosis of web/irregular PP in m+/mm+- and m+/mm- should be established.