INTESTINE Vol.4 No.6(3-3)

特集名 大きな(2cm以上)ポリープの取扱い --内視鏡治療の適応と手技
題名 治療手技(適応も含む) (3) 経肛門的内視鏡下マイクロサージェリー(TEM)の立場から
発刊年月 2000年 11月
著者 金平 永二 金沢大学医学部第一外科
著者 大村 健二 金沢大学医学部第一外科
著者 石田 善敬 金沢大学医学部第一外科
著者 石黒 要 金沢大学医学部第一外科
著者 前田 一也 金沢大学医学部第一外科
著者 渡辺 剛 金沢大学医学部第一外科
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Management of large colorectal polyp --Indication and technique of endoscopic treatment
Title From the stand point of transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM)
Author Eiji Kanehira 1st Department of Surgery, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
Author Kenji Omura 1st Department of Surgery, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
Author Yoshinori Ishida 1st Department of Surgery, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
Author Kaname Ishiguro 1st Department of Surgery, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
Author Kazuya Maeda 1st Department of Surgery, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
Author Go Watanabe 1st Department of Surgery, Kanazawa University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) is performed with the specially developed operating rectoscope for local resection of rectal tumors. TEM is indicated for rectal lesions such as sessile villous tumors, mucosal carcinomas, and carcinoid tumors. In comparison with EMR, TEM has many merits. TEM enables large en bloc resection of the rectal wall in any sizes, shapes, or depth. Moreover defects in the rectal wall can be closed by suturing during TEM.
Among our experience in 100 TEM cases 27 patients with rectal tumors, diagnosed to be adenoma preoperatively, measuring larger than 2cm in diameter, were reviewed and analyzed. The tumor size ranged from 2.0 to 8.5cm, with an average of 3.85cm. Postoperatively, 13 tumors (48%) turned out to be cancer in adenoma. En bloc resection was carried out in 24 cases (89%). The surgical margin was tumor positive in only one case. No significant operative complications were observed. During the follow up period, for a maximum of 4.8 years with an average of 1.8 years, there was only one case of local recurrence.
We concluded that TEM is an excellent, minimally invasive modality for local rectal resection, contributing to higher quality for of the patients.