INTESTINE Vol.3 No.6(3-1)

特集名 小さな(大きさ2cm以下)進行癌
題名 大きさ2cm以下大腸進行癌の発育進展 (1) X線学的遡及例からの検討
発刊年月 1999年 11月
著者 牛尾 恭輔 国立病院九州がんセンター
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Small advanced colorectal carcinoma less than 2cm in diameter
Title Natural history of small advanced colorectal cancer based on retrospective analysis of X-ray films
Author Kyosuke Ushio National Kyushu Cancer Center
[ Summary ] The natural history of colorectal cancers less than 2cm in diameter was investigated primarily by using BE film. The following estimations were made; Nodular, sessile elevated and superficial elevated (type IIa) lesions are important types of early lesions (6mm or greater in size) is respect to small advanced cancers. Furthermore, it is also highly probable that sessile lesions, associated with the following findings, develop into small advanced colorectal cancers: 1) converging folds, 2) submucosal tumor-like structures, 3) central depressions, and 4) solid nodular lesions with smooth surfaces.