INTESTINE Vol.3 No.6(2-1)

特集名 小さな(大きさ2cm以下)進行癌
題名 大きさ2cm以下大腸進行癌のX線・内視鏡所見 (1) X線所見
発刊年月 1999年 11月
著者 飯沼 元 国立がんセンター中央病院放射線部
【 要旨 】 要旨はありません。
Theme Small advanced colorectal carcinoma less than 2cm in diameter
Title Radiographic characteristics of advanced colorectal carcinomas less than 2cm in diameter
Author Gen Iinuma Diagnostic Radiology Division, **Clinical Laboratory Division, National Cancer Center Hospital, **Kyusyu Cancer Center
[ Summary ] We retrospectively reviewed the radiographic characteristics of 44 small advanced colorectal carcinomas (SACC), which were less than 2cm in diameter. All SACCs could be identified as protruding lesions, had a smooth surface and were not lobulated. It was also noted that 70.5% of them had a central depression. Furthermore, all SACCs had distinct wall deformities when seen in a profile view. These X-ray findings were analyzed in comparison to pathologic findings for resected specimens. SACCs with central depressions showed deeper invasion into the proper muscle layer than those without central depres-sion. In profile views, SACCs showed arch shaped or trapezoid wall deformities. Lesions with trapezoid deformities had severely invaded into the muscle layer proper or deeper layers. The proportion of pathologic non-polypoid growth type was observed 77.3 % in SACCs. This finding suggested that the greater part of these lesions could be considered to be of superficial depressed type origin in cases of colorectal cancer. It is clinically important to discriminate SACCS from other polypoid lesions in the diagnosis of colorectal cancer.
Representative five SACC cases were illustrated.